Monday, July 10, 2006

Attn; All Anti Reservationists, YFE and LP. What will be your stand in this situation

A person called Sarveshkumar Iyer died in AIIMS cause the pro reservation activists stoped treatment abruptly and started a strike on the ouster of the minister Dr Anbumani Ramdass. Because of this 100 PILs are filed in SUPREME COURT and Mr Arun Jaitly is apearing for all those petitioners. He said one priceless Brahmin Soul passed away due to NEGLIGENCE of DUTIES by the STRIKING SELFISH MEDICOS. HE also condemed the DOCs for not giving any 24 hrs STRIKE CALL Notice and hence they should be sent home immdtly. Dr. venugopal Rao has also condemed the doctors and warned them severe consequences for destroying the image of AIIMS in the eyes of the general Public. The media from BBC to CNN have stationed their broadcasting wans to cover this landmark case on Human Equality in India. The Judge has reserved his ruling ...

Read the truestory at

Friday, July 07, 2006

Racism exposed in AIIMS Hostel

New Delhi, July 4: Parts of All India Institute of Medical Sciences hostels are turning into SC/ST ghettos. Reserved category students said they were being “hunted out of the remaining rooms” by upper-caste students and driven to two floors of the hostels.

An engraved message on the door of Room No. 49 (Hostel 1) bears testimony to their concern. The inscription, spiced with abusive language, asks the room’s occupant Umakant — a scheduled caste student — to “get out of this (hostel) wing”.

With almost half the reserved category students since seeking reallocation of their rooms, the message seems to have worked.

The top floors of Hostel No. 4 and 5 of the country’s premier medical school have 32 rooms in all, of which 27 are occupied by SC/ST students. Of the 250 students at the institute, 55 are SC/ST.

Hostel records show that 22 of the students currently in the “ghetto” moved there only in the wake of the surcharged atmosphere of the anti-reservation agitation that started with the human resource development ministry unveiling plans for a quota for the Other Backward Classes.

“Many more want to shift there but cannot because there aren’t enough rooms for everyone,” said a student.

AIIMS authorities said they would take “necessary action”.

Sub-dean Dr Sunil Chumber said he had himself faced discrimination during his college years. “My room was broken into, and things destroyed, because I came from a reserved category,” he said.

The SC/ST students said they were scared of the consequences of their identities becoming known for speaking out against discrimination.

A senior resident doctor, who belongs to the scheduled castes, said: “We are so scared here because the director (P. Venugopal) himself is supporting them (the anti-quota agitators). We have nowhere to go to complain.”

Resident Doctors’ Association president Dr Vinod Patro, however, said there was “no discrimination on the AIIMS campus”. “It is a figment of their imagination,” Patro, who has been leading the anti-reservation agitation at AIIMS, said.

Some SC/ST students alleged that to keep them from revealing the discrimination, they were often “failed in examinations”, which acted as a threat.

“Every year on an average five of the 11 reserved category students are held back,” a resident doctor said, citing his own case, where he was one of those failed in the first year.

AIIMS rules say a student who fails twice over the five years of study cannot pursue his or her post-graduation.

The students said that for fear of their careers being destroyed they did not want to “get into the bad books of the authorities”.

“The students have no choice but to bear this humiliation quietly and pass out in five years,” said Dr Vikas Bajpai of the Medicos’ Forum for Equal Opportunity, a pro-reservation group.

A meeting of the apex decision-making body of AIIMS is scheduled tomorrow in which the ouster of Venugopal could figure. Union health minister Anmbumani Ramadoss, who wants him to go, will come face to face with the director for the first time since the stand-off over the anti-quota agitation.

I STRONGLY ASK MR ANBUMANI RAMDOSS TO TEACH THESE RACISTS A LESSON OR TWO AND THE WHOLE OBC,SC,ST and HONEST FCs are with you AND you are our great HOPE. We must show our moral and political power to this idiots of socio economic reality of the country.

Most of these medicos are casteist Brahmins.... one who reserved everything from water to land to fire sorry agni to jobs to education to rapesex (manu smirthi), voyeurism (namboodiris of Kerala) for a few thousand years and got frustrated by recent events FIGHTING FOR EQUALITY, PATRIOTISM, INDIAN ECONOMY, SOCIAL UPLIFTMENT, WOMEN EMPOWERMENT etc. ( See the bold lists. non is their original. I used to say it is a parrot community who repeated few thousands slokas from an UNSPOKEN language called SANSKRIT. Now they shamelesly copy our Periyars and Ambedkar. Real 21st Century parrots! Ki ... ki... Parrot SOUND!)

- Chella, C.E.O,

Original Source: The Telegraph
Related Readings

2) Racist Medicos and their strike
3) Another SHOCKING data from TamilNadu Medical Admissions

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Issues of ‘Merit’ and Efficiency

An article by Jayathi Ghose

The most common argument against reservations is that they will affect quality and undermine “merit”. But the supposed contradiction between reservations on the one hand, and merit and efficiency on the other, is a false one. First of all, there are many reasons to believe that drawing upon a wider social base increases the diversity and, therefore, the quality of institutions of higher education. Secondly, there are good reasons to be sceptical regarding the extent to which current systems of selection are genuinely “merit” based. Internationally, there is substantial theoretical literature on the coexistence of markets and discrimination (whether in terms of caste, community or gender), and on how such discrimination reduces the efficiency of the economy – in which case affirmative action to reduce such discrimination can only increase efficiency.

It is well known that the Indian private sector employs wide-ranging discriminatory practices (such as inheritance determining managerial control, preferential employment based on social networks, and so on) which are inherently inefficient. It is now widely accepted across the world that diversity makes economies more, rather than less, competitive. The example of countries like Malaysia, which combined a very severe and restrictive form of reservation and other affirmative action with remarkable economic growth for several decades, points to this.

But how truly competitive is the current system of selection that operates for the elite higher education institutions in India? We are all agreed that there is huge excess demand for higher education in the country, and that good quality higher education is extremely under-provided. Therefore, there is severe rationing for places, especially in the best institutions. The question is therefore not whether we should have rationing or not, but, which form of rationing is the best in the prevailing social circumstances. It is currently believed that the current system is based on “merit”, that is, ranking of performance in all-India entrance examinations or such similar criteria. Yet any teacher or administrator at some of these top institutions (such as IITs or IIMs) will agree that there are typically several hundred candidates of equally good quality at the top, and they are able to admit only a small fraction of them, so that there is a large element of luck and randomness in the process of selection. For example, at the national entrance examination to the IITs every year, there are more than 3,00,000 entrants, yet only around 3,000 gain admittance to the various IITs. Yet it is quite likely that the top 20,000 are equally good if not better than those few who are fortunate enough to get selected, since performance at one single examination is rarely a complete indicator of actual aptitude or quality.

In any case it is also well known that these entrance tests typically test not intelligence or ability in the subject per se, but a certain aptitude for answering such tests. This is itself a skill that can be learnt, and there are now training institutes all over the country, especially in certain cities for this purpose. Such training in turn costs time and money, which effectively excludes most potential candidates. So the flourishing “coaching” industry for these competitive exams amounts to another form of exclusion, or “reservation” for those who can afford to spend enough time and resources to ensure this prior coaching. A further reservation effectively exists for those who can come in through “NRI quotas” which are now to be found in many institutions, or in institutions which require capitation fees or charge very large annual fees from students. This is a system of reservation of seats in higher education based on wealth, parental income or access to credit in the expectation of future incomes – all of which exclude the majority of the population. It is interesting that the sudden and apparent concern about merit has not touched on the implications of such admissions based on fees and whether students who get in through this means are “deserving” or not, although such processes have been going on for years. If we accept that intelligence and talent are not the monopoly of any particular social group but are normally distributed across society, then this means that the current system is inefficient since it is effectively picking up candidates from only a small section of society instead of the whole population.

It is elementary logic that this would give sub-optimal results for society. This is an argument on social efficiency grounds, which is quite separate from other arguments about creating a more democratic and inclusive education process in general. The most convincing empirical argument against the idea that reservations will inevitably lead to inferior quality comes from the actual experience in several southern states, where there have been large quotas on seats in higher education in operation for several decades. In Tamil Nadu, for example, reservations account for around two-thirds of such seats, even in private institutions, and in Karnataka they are close to half. Yet there is no evidence of inferior quality among the graduates of such institutions; instead, it is widely acknowledged that graduates from the medical and professional colleges in the south are among the best in India. Surely no one would contest that Vellore Medical College, for example, is one of the best medical colleges in India; yet, it has consistently operated with an extensive system of reservations accounting for more than half of the seats. It is notable that even in the north, elite “minority institutions” such as St Stephens’ College in Delhi University have functioned for decades by reserving around half the students’ seats for different categories, and still maintained their reputation of being among the best in the country.

Read the full version at

Related Reading

Monday, June 26, 2006

Arun Shourie exposed ! Foolishness at its peak!

Karan Thapar: Let's come to the better ways in a moment's time, I very much want to talk about them. But for most people listening to this interview, it will come as supreme shock that you believe reservations for the Scheduled Castes, who have suffered centuries of discrimination, are unjustified. Let me put to you why people disagree. Even today, Valmiki graduates are unable to get proper jobs and have to scavenge because they are considered untouchables. Even today, the Mushahars of Bihar are forced to eat rats and mice because they are too poor to access proper meal. Are you saying to me that reservations for such people are wrong?

Arun Shourie: Yes. Because the way to help them is to give them jobs and to give them access to education so that they don’t eat the damned mice. And the very fact that after 50 years of reservations, they are still eating mice is a conclusive argument against the compassion that you are showing.

Karan Thapar: Except for the fact that they don’t get jobs because they are untouchables.

Arun Shourie: Absolutely bunk. It is the other way round.

Karan Thapar: Why then are there Valmiki graduates scavenging for a living?

Arun Shourie: But there are Brahmin graduates who are doing it because of inadequacy of jobs.

Karan Thapar: But there is a difference. In one case, there is discrimination and in the other it is the inadequacy of jobs.

Arun Shourie: No. No. You just don’t let me speak. In China, people are scavenging and eating rats. Not because of caste, but because of 110 million of floating population who have lost their jobs.

Now Chella Wrote:

See the foolishness at its peak. This Arun fool is quoting China,
"In China, people are scavenging and eating rats. Not because of caste, but because of 110 million of floating population who have lost their jobs.". You FC fool, there is no caste system itself in Chinese, or Japanese Shinto or DreamTime of Australian Aborigines or of any other religion except the Hinduism which propogated CHADURVARNAM MAYA SHRISHTAM ideology and practice. So if there is no caste system practised in China... then how can they have discrimination based on caste? We all know someone has to clean the toilets in any country whether in China or Japan ... but how this IDIOT SHOURIE can explain the fact that 90% of Indian Scavengers are untouchables and not even one percent are Brahmins ?

When it comes to help their FC brothern these idiots forget the logic comfortably! That is why they have thrown out of the power system in India and no takers for their arguement in their own party. Beware sorry Ignore these Idiots and Jokers!

Dear Mr Shourie you have all the right to remain as a socio political fool but you dont have any right even to dream ( you poor powerless guy) to make fools in Indian subcontinent.

Then what about your next book on " How Gujarat Killings helped the state to become number one in the country?!!


In this context I would like to publish a portion of the article "How does the media treat Dalits and the issues which concern them?- by
ChandraBhan Prasad

Last Sunday, the 18th Annual Convention of BAMCEF kicked off in Delhi. The four-day convention is a gala event which the Dalit intelligentsia awaits each December. Even Dalit NRIs turn up in considerable numbers. This year, over 6,000 BAMCEF delegates from 26 states/276 districts descended on the Ramlila Ground in Delhi. The ground was renamed BAMCEF city with all essential facilities, including a media centre and online internet facility, being made available. There was also a Dalit book fair where some 20 leading Dalit book distributors put up their stalls.

The BAMCEF Annual Convention is considered to be a Dalit intellectual mela, where most ideological streams amongst the Dalits/Bahujans are allowed to take part. Every participant, from a civil servant to a grade four employee, resides in the pavilion of his state, eats his food in the common dining hall and uses the same bedding provided by the organisers to all. The sessions begin at nine every morning and ends at nine at night. During these mammoth sessions, the issues facing the community are discussed threadbare. Late in the evening, children present cultural programmes. Plus, a large presence of women delegates gives new hope to the Dalit movement.

The BAMCEF Convention is the largest and the only genuine all-India platform for educated and socially enlightened Dalits. In the words of novelist Sagarika Ghose, who visited the venue; "... most Dalit delegates I met appeared highly educated, sophisticated in their articulation and most spoke excellent English." As a matter of convention, the BAMCEF chairman, Mr Vaman Meshram, whom I think of as being next only to Kanshi Ram and Mayawatiji, does not leave the venue for the entire four days. But how did the media treat the just concluded event? Barring The Pioneer and Hindi daily Rashtriya Sahara, no other mainstream media outfit wrote a word about the event. Most media organisations were invited to witness and cover the event.

I spoke to the news editor of an important English daily and asked him to send a representative from his organisation. He fumbled, trying to figure out what the BAMCEF was. I wondered how a journalist, holding an important position in a newspaper, was ignorant about an organisation which has produced leaders of the stature of Kanshi Ram and Mayawati and which is the Dalits' most celebrated intellectual forum? Can any journalist show similar ignorance about the existence of the RSS?

I was in Andhra Pradesh over December 19 and 20. I was invited to attend a Land-Liberation Movement in Rajamundhry town of the East Godavari district. In this coastal district of Andhra Pradesh, a "gentleman" politician is believed to hold about 1,500 acres of agricultural land, illegally. Dalits under the banner of the Dalit-Bahujan Forum (DBF) are waging a battle. Some 12,000 Dalit writers, social and cultural activists and student leaders from all over the state had assembled at Rajamundhry. Any Dalit intellectual worth his name in Andhra was there to stage a dharna at the Sub-Collector's office and participate in the grand rally. Even Prakash Ambedkar, grand son of Baba Saheb Ambedkar, graced the occasion.

"Since politicians themselves defy the ceiling legislation, we are targeting them first," said the movement's leader Vinai Kumar. The organisers had invited Hyderabad-based representatives of the national media. I arrived in Delhi on December 21 but didn't see a single report filed by any of the national dailies.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Pro Reservation Songs by Mr Arya, IIT Kharagpur

Click the PLAY button in the player to listen the song

F**k you..
For your mistakes
they just dont blame you
they blame your community
blame your ancestors too
They say its obvious
call it genetical issue

this is what happens
I know, for i went through
why wont your heart say
"f**k you" ??

So whats your fault
according to them?
can, being from this race
be a matter of shame?
They'll always be harsh
no matter what you proclaim

this is what happens
yeah this is true
why wont your heart say
"f***k you"??

I dont think you err
when you spit on them
their shitty practices
is to be condemn
we never wanted
but they rose the issue of "us and them"

we wanted equality
our policy needs review
its better to kick
and snatch it from you

you donno wat justice means
cause you are askew
and thts why our heart says
"f***k you"!!!

-- Saurav arya
Mechanical Engineering
IIT Kharagpur

Related Reading

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A touching poem by Vara Vara Rao

You are born rich
To say in your language
``Born with silver spoon in the mouth''

Your agitation sounds creative
Our agony looks violent

You are meritorious
You can break glass of buses
In a shape

As symmetric as Sun rays

You can deflate the tires
With artistic �lan
While indulgent police look on
With their jaws rested on rifle butts

You can tie `Rakhis'
Even in
The dark chambers
Of a police station
You do not buy bus ticket
Not because
Your pocket is empty
That is practical protest

The beautiful roads
Are all yours
Whether you do a `Rasta Roko'
Or drive vehicles with `save merit' stickers

We are bare-footed
Sweat-stinking road rollers
What if we built the roads?
The merit of plan is yours
The credit of contract is also yours

Those exhilarating sixty days, what fun!
When your cute little girls
And their daredevil mates
Were going on a delectable rampage,

Everybody was delighted
Parents, their parents
Brothers and sisters
Even the servants
And reporting Newspapers?
Oh, absolutely thrilled!

Boys and girls
Hand in hand
In protest
Of buried merit and dashed future
Going off to a picnic
O Yaar,
How heroic!

You are the marathoners
In merit competition
Poor tortoises
Can we run with you?

You serve ``Chair'' in Chikkadpalli
Sell ``pallies'' in cinema hall
Polish boots in Kothi Circle
Stop a Maruti or Priya on the Tankbund
To demand agitation fund

Media persons are `merit' creatures
Their camera hearts `click'
Their pens shriek,
``Youthful brilliance''!

We are drab faced duds
Sitting in the stink of dead animals
We make shoes
By applying color with our blood
And polishing them
With the sinking light of our eyes

Isn't the shine different
When polished
By someone in boots?

We clean up your filth
Carry the night soil on our heads
We wear out our bodies
Washing your rooms
To make them sparkle
Like your scented bodies

We sweep, we clean; our hands are brooms
Our sweat is water
Our blood is the phenyl
Our bones are washing powder
But all this
Is menial labor
What merit it has?
What skill?

Tucked-in shirts and miniskirts
Jeans and high heels
If you sweep
The cement road with a smile
It becomes an Akashvani scoop
And spellbinding Doordharshan spectacle

We are
Rickshaw pullers
Porters and cart wheelers
Petty shopkeepers
And low grade clerks

We are
Desolate mothers
Who can give no milk
To the child who bites with hunger

We stand in hospital queues
To sell blood to buy food

For the smell of poverty and hunger
How can it acquire
The patriotic flavor
Of your blood donation?
Whatever you do
Sweep, polish
Carry luggage in railway station
Or in bus stand
Vend fruits on pushcart
Sell chai on footpath
Take out procession
With `Save merit' placards
And convent pronunciations

We know
It is to show us that
Our labor of myriad professions
Is no match to your merit

White coats and black badges
Hanging over chiffon saris and Punjabi dresses
`Save merit' stickers
On breasts carrying `steth's (stethoscopes)
When you walk(ed) in front of daftar
Like a heaven in flutter
For EBCs among you
And those who crossed 12000 among us
The reservation G.O.
Is not only a dream shattered and heaven shaken
But also a rainbow broken

Is movement for justice
On the earthly heaven
That is why
`Devathas' dared more for the amrit

The moment
You gave a call for `jail bharao'
In the press conference
We were shifted out
To rotting dungeons
Great welcome was prepared
Red carpet was spread
(`Red' only in idiom; the color scares even those who spread it.)

We waited with fond hope that
The pious dust of your feet
Would grace not only the country
But its jails, too

How foolish!
The meritorious cream
The future
Of country's glorious dream
How can they come
To the hell of thieves,
Murderers and subversives?

We read and rejoice
That function halls
Where rich marriages are celebrated
Became your jails

Ours may be a lifelong struggle till death
But yours is a happy wedding party of the wealth
If you show displeasure
It is like a marriage tiff
If you burn furniture
It is pyrotechnical stuff
If you observe `bandh'
It is the landlord's daughter's marriage

The corpse of your merit
Parades through the main streets
Has its funeral in `chourastas'
Amidst chanting of holy `mantras'

But Merit has no death
You creatively conduct symbolic procession
And enact the mourning `prahasan'
In us
To die or to be killed
There is no merit

We die
With hunger, or disease,
Doing hard labor, or committing crime,
In lock up or encounter
(Meritorious will not agree inequality is violence)

We will be thrown
By a roadside;
In a filthy pit;
On a dust heap;
In a dark forest

We will turn ash
Without a trace
We will `miss'
Froma hill or a hole

Our births and deaths
Except for census statistics,
What use they have
For the national progress?

We take birth
And perish in death
In and due to
Miserable poverty
You assume the `Avatar'
When Dharma is in danger
And renounce the role
After completing the job
You are the `sutradhar'

You are lucky
You are meritorious!!

- Vara Vara Rao

Since the poem is not mine...
I can not dedicate to anyone...
but i found a loophole!LOL!
This post is dedicated to the
conscience of every
YOUTH FOR (un)EQUALITY protester! - Chella

We have not created this as our themesong..
too poor to add music to it!
the only background music is
Will your deaf ears ever listen!? -Chella

Thanks Ms Lara Jesany for sending me this "socially creative" work.

Related Readings

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Logic sucks for Antireservationists

What type of logic are these anti-reservation people talkng about…I think they first have to understand the meaning of 'logic’, only then should they use the word LOGIC..
Going by the logic of anti-reservationists, that merit alone and not accident of birth should be the criteria for seats or positions. This is what all stupid anti-reservation people have to sumarize they wana say three things..
1)Do not divide.

Now let me clear the meaning about these words which they are usng again and again without any logical thinkng…

(1) The very first thing these anti-reservation people are sayng is ‘DON’T DIVIDE people’ by giving reservation…what the hell are these people sayng .. no one can understand their logic..India is divided into caste system since 2000 yrs back...and now these people are sayng that dont divide (which is already divided)…these so called uper caste people (whose population is only 15%) have ruled over lower caste people (85% population) since 2000 yrs and made them deprived of all facilities.. now government is tryng to provide them all the facilities which they have been dprived off , so that they can come up in society and try to make India a developed country.

Goverment wants each and every person of this country to come up by givng them opportunities and facilities..but these uper caste people who are only 15% by population want to rule in all sections …they can't see any dalit coming up.. if these people are sayng do not divide..then I will sugest them 1st to do the following things, if they can! :-

1) change the mentality of every person of india so that they will not think of caste any time..not at the time of admission, not at the time of marriage, not at the time of giving facilities to particular persons and particular region. Political parties such as the Shiv Sena who are vociferous in opposing caste based reservations, in fact equally vociferously support reservations for the natives identified on the basis of language. And yet almost no one in India thinks of these system as unfair or discriminatory, and as undermining “DO NOT DIVIDE” in society. Reservations are fine if it is practiced on the basis of family (a euphemism for caste), language, or region. But the moment caste is a basis for affirmative action there ARE HOWLS OF PROTEST!

ii) Convert every person of the country to Unorthodox (not to believe in any religion)..ifyoucan't do this, then try to convert every person of India to only one religion,that is BUDHISM (in which there is no such discrimination as there is in HINDUISM). The taste of a thing can be changed. But the poison cannot be made amrit. To talk of annihilating castes is like talking of changing the poison into amrit. In short, so long as we remain in a religion, which teaches a man to treat another man like a leper, the sense of discrimination on account of caste, which is deeply rooted in our minds, can not go. For annihilating caste and untouchables, change of religion is the only antidote.

Now if these anti-reservation people cant do the above two things then they should stop using the word “DON’T DIVIDE” anymore …

2) The 2nd thing which these anti-reservation people are using is EQUALITY..they are using such a big word without any logical thinkng….

EQUALITY = equal opportunity to everyone…
EVERYONE = all caste people should have equal opportunity.
OPPORTUNITY = a stage to grow.

Bias enters in recruitment, and in other ways too. Many software companies recruit new employees by asking existing employees to recommend new ones. So they contact people in their networks. Some ongoing studies by sociologists show that this leads to concentration of people from similar background in terms of gender, caste, and community within companies. They also found that qualified candidates from dalit or OBC backgrounds since they are first generation educated persons in their families and are not part of these networks, find it difficult to get jobs because of this practice.

How many of those opposing reservations speak out against inheritance rights? Even if one accepts right to inheritance, why should property be reserved only for sons and not daughters as happens in reality in most families in India. Would it be correct to say that sons have no merit and cannot fend for themselves and therefore need the property, but daughters don’t since they have more merit? Is this the equality these anti-reservation people are talkng about??

If each person of this country is so much concernd about the growth of the country, then they should appreciate the move by government to increase the reservation. this reservation is totally based on the number of population in each's not a random move..goverment has taken a survey in which they have found that there is 85% people of the contry who belong to SC/ST/OBC category and only 15% are non dalit..

these non dalit people were havng all the facilities since 2000 yrs and are very well developed financialy and mentaly that they can compete in any type of situation..while most of 85% dalit people are not in a position to compete with these 15% people…but if they are to have an opportunity so that they can also come up and do somthing good for their family, theirr contry, thenthey should be given EQUAL opportunity by giving 50% resrvation to 85% dalit population is a good that every community and caste people will get equal opportunity to grow.

Now consider this following situation..doyoufind any EQUALITY there!!??

* BSE, (Mumbai Stock Exchange) set up in 1875. 3500 companies traded every day, no Dalit owned company traded in 1875, none in 2005.
* CII (Confederation of Indian Industry), set up around 1895. 57,00 member organizations, and 80,000 individual members, no Dalit member till now.
* ASSOCHAM (Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India), set up in 1920. one lakh individual company membership, no Dalit company member.
* FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry), set up in 1927. 1,500 corporate members, and over 500 chambers of commerce, no Dalit member in 1927, none in 2005.
* IIC (India International Centre), set up in 1962. With 4828 individual, and 296 corporate membership, no Dalit member in 1962, and none in 2005.

Before 50 yrs when these so called uper caste were rulng on dalit.. they were at the best to achieve anything..they can reach to any level in an organisation they can be a owner of sugar company..they can be a CEO of their company..they can make their own company...they can be DGM,GM of any company..but what about dalits??? they were not getng any consider the next generation i.e our generation these cream of uper caste goes on gaining more and more...and children of dalit are struglng ...and even after strugling they are not sure to get any higher post in any company ...even if they have that much of capability....
now i wana ask these anti-reservation people folowing questions...

i) are you going to hand over 50 % of sugar industry to dalit people? and keep 50%of them to so cald uper caste..
ii) are you going to place or rather say, appoint 50% of all the CEO of india to dalit and keep rest to uper caste??
iii) most importantly are you going to replace 50% of college proffessors by dalit candidates and keep rest 50% to uper caste??

if you are going to provide the above things then I am ready to acept your EQUALITY system..and if u are nt capable of doing that then I am sorry you are using
EQUALITY irrelvent..

NO Equal Opportunity = no growth of each and every person of the Country, only 15% people will grow!
Only 15% growth = no overall development of country .

So in order to give EQUAL opportunity , the only way is to provide RESERVATION…otherwise growth will be concentrated only in certain groups of people, and it will not be an overall growth.

(3) Now the 3rd point which evry anti-reservation idiots are sayng with a loud voice is “MERIT”
why these anti-reservation people are talkng about merit today when government is doing some good work for dalit people….

In India, there are some who speak English very well, whereas there are some who can not. Some are very confident, while others are timid. Some look and act smart while others don’t. These are things people acquire from their family background and through socialization. Sometimes, some people who are academically very good get a lesser placement or job, compared to others who are not very good academically, but who are very confident, smart looking, and able to talk glibly. Meritorious candidates lose out. We need to remember that the criteria for assessing merit are very arbitrary and often not related to the job or expectation. So if we have a better system of assessing skill and attitude (other than rote learning and examination based systems), many of those currently considered as without merit will get in.

Another example is in the field of education where there is reservation on the basis of ability to PAY, which no one opposes. There are hundreds of private professional colleges where one may have very good marks but can’t get in because you can’t afford to pay. These are justified in the name of a euphemism – “MANAGEMENT QUOTA” and “NRI QUOTA”. How many of the anti-reservationists oppose these? Hardly any of the private professional colleges have adequate loan or scholarship schemes. In many states in India, students are admitted to engineering colleges with 35% as the minimum marks. Those who have low percentages and enough money get seats. One doesn’t hear of anyone complaining against the seats going to non-merit candidates in these case. In fact there is such an oversupeopley that despite the low eligibility marks, thousands of seats go vacant every year!

One hears from many management graduates from premium institutes in India that large corporates and MNCs in India prefer candidates who may not be very good but who come from influential families, so that they can get their jobs done using their contacts and networks. What happens to the candidates with MERIT? And yet these very corporates oppose reservations in the name of merit!

Should not the merit of candidates be assessed before passing on the property? Take agricultural land in India. In many cases, the skilled agricultural labourer doesn’t get the property but an unskilled, absentee landlord living in a city gets access to agricultural land from his (mostly) or her parent when he (mostly) or she dies.

Another example is a practice found among most of our large, medium and small business persons who are now raising their voice against reservation in the private sector. In India in the case of most businesses, including those where shareholders and financial institutions hold the majority shares, management is by inheritance whether you take the Ambanis, Birlas, or most other families.

Some exceptions are Narayanamurthey, Deepak Parekh and Sunil Mittal who have said that they will not pass on management and control to their children, but will pass on, or have already passed on management control to professionals who have the ‘merit’ and ability. How many of those opposing reservations speak out against business and management inheritance? In most countries in Europe and North America, the founding families have very little control over the running of the company. In a recent famous case, the families of Hewlett and Packard opposed the merger of Compaq and HP, but the shareholders and the CEO went ahead with it. In most companies in the US, it is the shareholders who decide the CEO and other functionaries through the board of directors, not one’s father or sometimes mother, as in India.

Mr.Rahul Bajaj who has expressed a wish to start a movement against reservations, is himself said to be “grooming” his SON to take over from him as CEO. The excuse that people like Mr.Bajaj always give for putting their children in positions of power is that they have been ‘groomed’. What prevents them from grooming a non-family member? How is it that fairly young family members are pushed to the top whereas those who have worked for a company and proved their talents over a long time never get the top positions? Mr.Bajaj asked for a level playing field when it comes to competition from MNCs, but doesn’t believe in a level playing field when it comes to the underprivileged! Mr.Bajaj should justify to his shareholders why the CEO position is reserved for his son, before he retires and starts a movement against reservations.

Mr.Dhoot of Videocon publicly stated that his company does not TAKE WOMEN at the executive level. In the context of these kind of exclusion, how do opponents of reservation policies justify the exclusion of some groups and the inclusion of others? If one does an informal survey, it is easy to find out how many big companies have senior staff belonging to members of the company owner or major shareholder or founder’s caste, community, gender, region, linguistic group. How many women members of the Birla, Bajaj, or Ambani families are permitted to work in group companies? One could go on and on with examples. Contrast all these with corporations, government agencies, and universities in the US who in their advertisements put in a special line: “Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apeopley”.

Why is it that in our country land does not belong in a large number of cases, to those who actually cultivate the land – the dalit or adivasi landless agricultural labour? Why is agriculture not even considered to be an important skill in India? If our best scientists and engineers or doctors go and cultivate the land, the crops will fail for sure.

Agricultural workers also have a skill that is important for society but we give it a low value and hence low wages, primarily because the task is performed by so called polluting and ‘low’ castes which has led to devaluing an important skill required for society to survive. If they were paid higher wages, over a period of time their socio-economic situation would improve, their children would be educated, and there would be no need for reservations. But because of past (and current) discrimination, and our present devaluation of an important skill, a certain section of the population continues to be poor, illiterate and so on.

Upper castes have been dominant in India for centuries. Even today if one looks at the government sector, judiciary, corporate sector and so on, minority groups, women, dalits, adivasis, and other backward classes are much fewer in number at the top level compared to their proportion in the population. Can we attribute all the corruption, illiteracy, poverty, inefficiency and lack of development in India to the dominance of the upper caste - that they lacked merit to rule the country? Why is it that we did not develop on many indicators for centuries, and for decades after independence inspite of the dominance of the so-called meritorious upper castes?

Why is it that in the south India states representation of these groups is much higher in government and private sector and these states perform better on most development indicators?

In tamilnadu there is 69% reservation other state have 69% reservation system if every state of the country will do the same thing then I think the position and situation of dalit people will increase more ..and indirectly will help India to become a developed country….

So I would like these anti-reservation people to raise their voice against the above mentioned things first and then talk about merit against reservation..if these anti-reservation people cannot do these things then they don’t have any right to oppose reservation on the basis of MERIT.

Now many people say that we are livng in 21st century , now-a-days no one decriminate anyone against cate at the time of recruitment or for promotion or anything else. For these people I wana give some of the recent examples which shows that discrimination based on caste system is still prevailng in the society.
1) One of my friend Narendra Gajbiye..he has done his PG from NITIE.which is the most highly reputed college for MBA..after completng his PG he got placed in one company in calcuta..but after 3 months he has been told to leave the company because he belongs to SC..
2) the senior most executive director of the RBI, R.B. Barman, who was first promoted as deputy governor last November and then demoted to his previous rank a few weeks later. Sources contend that one of the reasons why he was sidelined may be because of his scheduled caste background.

Unfortunately, the central bank itself has ill-treated Barman, a scheduled caste, in the past few years. Barman joined the RBI 26 years ago and rose through the ranks to become executive director in November 2000. Thereafter, in July '03 and again in September '04, those junior to him were promoted to positions of deputy governor—such individuals include Shyamala Gopinath, K.J. Udeshi and Usha Thorat. On these occasions, Barman did not make any official complaint.

Then came the most humiliating experience. On November 17, at a meeting of a committee of the RBI's central board, Barman was finally elevated to the post of a deputy governor. According to para 1.2 of the meeting's minutes, the "Governor announced the elevation of Dr R.B. Barman, Executive Director, as Deputy Governor in his personal capacity, in recognition of his expertise and contributions in his area of specialisation."

Deputy governor V. Leeladhar issued an office order later the same day stating that Barman "has been given the status equivalent to that of Deputy Governor...till he attains the age of superannuation (i.e. till July 31, 2008) purely on personal basis". The order added that he would draw pay and allowances and be entitled to all facilities given to all deputy governors of the RBI. On December 2, Grace Koshy, chief general manager and secretary, issued a formal letter confirming Barman's re-designation. these was widely circulated within the RBI and became well known in financial circles.

However, on December 9, Koshy issued a "partial modification" of her earlier letter "advising" that whereas Barman had been given a status equivalent to that of deputy governor and was entitled to the remuneration and facilities given to all deputy governors of the RBI, "Dr Barman would continue to be designated as Executive Director". Barman and many others in financial circles saw the move as evidence of cavalier treatment of a scheduled caste person who had already been repeatedly superseded. It also shocked Barman, who took some time to figure out what had happened. He certainly felt he did not deserve such treatment from an organisation he had served faithfully since August 1979 when he was appointed deputy director.

After his demotion, on December 22, Barman wrote to RBI governor Y. V. Reddy complaining that while the minutes of the November 17 meeting of the RBI central board's committee and that day's office order had cleared his appointment, the subsequent decision to withdraw his designation had "caused me great humiliation and embarrassment, undermining my dignity, position and authority" and was an act of "great injustice". In the same letter, Barman asked Reddy to spell out the "legal and operational constraints" that prevented his elevation to the post of deputy governor although several others who were junior to him had been promoted. Four months after he wrote that letter, Barman is yet to receive a formal reply.

In retrospect, it appears that Reddy elevated Barman "in his personal capacity" without following the proper appointment procedure. The process of appointing a deputy governor begins with the governor recommending the person's name. this is initially processed by the banking department in the ministry of finance, then approved by the finance minister and finally, by the appointments committee of the cabinet. Even the RBI spokesperson admitted that "the appointment of a deputy governor can be made formally only by the government of India." But, none of these steps were followed in Barman's case.

So finaly I want to conclude by telling these anti-reservation people to look into the above mentioned situations and then make use of these BIG words
1) Do not divide
2) Equality
3) Merit.

B.E. Production Engineering (Mumbai University)
M.Tech. Production Engineering (Mumbai University)
D.B.A. Operation Management (Wlingkar Mumbai)
Pg.D.B.A. Operation Management (welingkar Mumbai)

Friday, June 16, 2006

Why Creamy Layer should not be excluded for Higher Education?

Many wrote me, "Chella, how are you going to write an article with the above heading!?". I told them it is not about just writing, it is all about applying thoughts and hearts! It is not about morality.. but about practical insights on socio economic and cultural understanding of this great Indian subcontinent.

Read the following facts.

* BSE, (Mumbai Stock Exchange) set up in 1875. 3500 companies traded every day, no Dalit owned company traded in 1875, none in 2005.

* CII (Confederation of Indian Industry), set up around 1895. 57,00 member organizations, and 80,000 individual members, no Dalit member till now.

* ASSOCHAM (Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India), set up in 1920. one lakh individual company membership, no Dalit company member.

* FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry), set up in 1927. 1,500 corporate members, and over 500 chambers of commerce, no Dalit member in 1927, none in 2005.

* IIC (India International Centre), set up in 1962. With 4828 individual, and 296 corporate membership, no Dalit member in 1962, and none in 2005.

All the above facts are saying one thing cdlearly. Dalits are poorly represented in this bodies because we could not create industrialists, business leaders, enterpreneurs from the opressed class.

To change this scenario we must allow a few rich or second generation educated people to study in IITs, AIIMS and IIMs, not only in UGs but also in PG, so that they can start their own companies, hospitals and business houses so that the above situation changes in near future. We can not give CAPITAL to start business/industries directly ( and it wont be effective without education) ... and in the recent knowledge based economy MONEY WILL FLOW, once they have better access to higher education... by the way of FUNDING, ANGEL INVESTORS etc etc.

So we request Hon Arjun Singh , Hon Dr. Anbumany Ramdoss and Hon Mr P.Chidambaram to look into this arguement so that creamy layer should not be excluded in the scheme of Reservation/ Affirmative action.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Racist Medicos and their strike

At last the selfish, fanatic doctors of Delhi have decided to call off the strike after a few kicks in their vital organs by the court. Supreme Court came to the protection of hapless poor patients of Delhi as the fanatic Private Doctors too were telling that they too will join the strike.

Now I have question. Can any one answer this

This is a matter that is not specific to medicos alone. It is a common law (or regulation) for all Courses, all colleges, all institutions, all jobs, all......

What did the Medicos achieve by going on strike affecting the poor patients.
Why did not the Forward Caste employees of other department come on a strike......

The only plausible answer is that, the rich and powerful Forward Caste in dependant on other services, where as it is the backward community and SC who are dependant on Govt Hospitals... For example...They need postal service to post letter, telephone services to send (HATE) SMS, Media to cover the (partisan) demands, bank to save what they earn by supressing others, but if they fall ill, they have the private hospitals, where as only the poor and downtrodden backward caste and SC are dependant on Govt Hospitals

They choose their strike in such a way that does not affect the forward caste, but only affects the BC and SC..... How racist !!!!!

These are the people talking about EQUALITY!? Aiyo Aiyo!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

See the LOGIC sucks for anti reservationists and Narayana Moorthy Iyer!

The ugly side of few perverted minds

For nearly two weeks few filth in the capital were shouting that Merit is going to be compromised due to reservations. All the while, we had been giving clearcut evidence as to show that Merit will be NO WAY affected due to reservations and that reservations are going to uplift the society as a whole.

Now the cat is out of the bag.

As per Rediff a guy called Armaan says

“ We prefer reservation for people who deserve it. It's not that we don't have a conscience. We do care for the poor, those who really need help. We should have reservation on the basis of economy.”

So, at last as we have been telling all these days, these depraved guys never bothered about Merit. Merit was just an excuse for Apartheid. I would like to know the reaction of all those who were crying in the name of Merit (including two self-centered caste-centered nepotistic chaps who resigned from the knowledge commission in the name of merit) as to the new shift in demand by the Doctors that they are ready for Quota based on Economy, but not for quota based on Caste.

For those who do not know the difference, let me explain

Now if seats are reserved on the basis of caste, let us assume that a Student from FC will get the seat if he scores 297 out of 300 where as a student from SC will get the seat even if he scores 291 out of 300 (these are the cut off values from MBBS Admission in Tamil Nadu in 2005)

So far the apartheid guys were shouting loud that merit will be affected. There were even remarks from few of those “intelligent” chaps that a guy who scored 292 (SC guy who has got seat) is less talented (or less meritorious – let me repeat the word play) than the forward caste guy who scored 296 (and there fore cannot get the seat as the OC cut off is 297)

But now they WANT QUOTA ON ECONOMY. So they have no problem when a poor guy with mark 292 gets the seat while a rich guy with mark 296 does not get the seat. And strangely, in this case, (according to these doctors and also a person called Narayana moorthy, for whom I had great regard, until he too advised economy based quota) the merit is not affected when quota is based on economy.

Now I am not able to understand this……

If the earlier claim that merit is going to be affected by reservation based on caste is true, then merit is going to be affected if the quota is based on economy or for that matter any other reason like the state of domicile (Delhi – 100 percent reservation for Delhi Undergraduates) , Religion (eg Andhra Pradesh) , college graduated (eg JIPMER)

So a person whose primary aim is preservation of merit should NOT ALLOW ANY QUOTA.

But See the Delhi Doctors.

They have gone on Mass CL today. They do not want a SC student getting 292 marks get MBBS. But they were silent when Private colleges were started that made any person, even those who passed 12th after 3 attempts get MBBS. What were they doing when the private colleges were opened? They did not even give a sign of protest. Do those AIIMS guys think that we all are fools to believe that they are crusading for merit at present? What were they doing for those sponsored seats and NRI quotas

They have no problem when some one gets MBBS from Private College even though he gets 50 marks in 12th. They never fought. It was Tamil Nadu students who had always fought against the private medical colleges

They have no problem of a student getting low marks in PG entrance in AIIMS, but getting MD Gen just because he studied MBBS there. At that juncture they never represented to PM or President

And as per the latest statement, they have no problem if a poor guy who gets 292 marks become a doctor while a rich guy who gets 296 has to watch

BUT THEY ARE WORRIED when a SC Guy (or a OBC Guy) who takes 292 marks get admission instead of a Forward Community guy who gets 296.

SO in effect, all these hullabaloo over the past two weeks were not against reservations. It is in fact against the students from the reserved community.

They were not fighting for merit as they were claiming (we already knew that merit is a mask) They fight to maintain apartheid

And see this report in Economic times by Urmi Goswamy from Delhi

(as per that sums up the issue

PRIVATE schools and parents worried about their children studying along side children belonging to weaker sections can breathe easy. The government proposes to let them off the reservation hook. The model Right to Education Bill proposes that private schools that receive no funds from the government will not be required to take children from weaker sections. The Model Bill will form the basis of states' legislation to enable the fundamental right of education.

SO there are guys in Delhi who cannot breathe easy when a student from weaker society studies along with his children. Their main worry seems to be the community of the student who studies along with them and not the marks of the students who studies in the college. God Save India !!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Another SHOCKING data from TamilNadu Medical Admissions

1) What is the average marks/grades of reserved and gen categ students(in college ) in TamilNadu ??
2)What are the drop out rates ??
3) Have these numbers changed over the years?

In 1996, the cut off (MBBS Admission ) was

OC - 294
BC - 289
MBC - 283
SC - 269

In 2005, the cut off was

OC - 297
BC - 295
MBC - 294
SC - 291

FC = 99% SC = 97%

Then how come some ppl are saying 50% marks by SC etc in IIT or MBBS. Something wrong in the entire system in North Indian Education system or the Quota implementation. Please someone come do some research than arguing against Tamilnadu's Reservation Policies.


So these idiots/racists crying for IIT case, preparatory classes, quota students merit etc should know or learn from Tamilnadu Experience of social empowering with Reservation.

What are the drop out rates ??
Was 5 percent in MBBS some 20 years ago
From 2000 batch, the drop out is ZERO

Have these numbers changed over the years?
Yes... The drop out will be Zero after ONE GENERATION of Reservations for two reasons
1. The parents will be able to guide the children in a proper way
2. When the teachers are not racists or fanatics, there will be no targeting of children from weaker sections and they will be encouraged.

On the other hands, when you have apartheid nepotistic as teachers, they will give the toughest assignments to SC/OBC students and make them fail.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


430 OPEN SEATS were available for MBBS in Tamilnadu in 2005.
Here is the final selection list.

321 BC students,
57 MBC students
14 SC students
38 Forward Community

will get into the open competition. .

This literally means that students from BC and MBC score well than the Forward Community Counterparts. This also means that the students from the so called forward community are able to get LESS THAN 10 percent of seats available......

  • That is if 430 seats are available forward community gets 38
  • If 100 seats are available Forward Community will get 9 seats (38*100/430)
  • If 81 seats are available Forward Community will get 8 seats (38*85/430)
  • So WHEN 100 seats are available WITHOUT RESERVATION FOrward Community will get 9 seats
  • WITH 18 % reservation for SC and 1 % reservation for ST Forward Community is getting 8 seats
  • That means, reservation is giving JUST ONE OUT OF THE 100 Seats from Forward Community to the SC and ST

You FC youths are the one who asked our ministers to get operated by OBCs. Fine we are the best and send them to Tamilnadu for better Treatment!

We periyar lovers used to tell people that actually these BRAHMINS s are not intelligent as you think. They cheated all these years by memorising a few thousand slokas, that too from an UNSPOKEN language! So it is proved again in the land of Periyar and Kamarajar.

So all Indian states should follow Tamilnadu's 69% reservation policy so that the above figures emerges in your state and central institutions. No time frame!LOL! Once this level achieved they will be in the position to fight for their 8% to 15% wrt their population. Then we say let us abolish the whole concept of reservation so that they will get only 5% or so! Atleast Jews has got their Israel. Where these people go? But they insulted us a lot. They must feel sorry oneday for their foulmouths!

Friday, June 02, 2006


When I wrote the prev article with suspicion of management and proffessors attracted sever criticism in the comments. Now dont you see the truth one by one exposed. Mt dalit brotherns could not pass these institutions because of this INHUMAN PRACTICES by the BRAHMINS and UPPER CLASSES. Against all these odds /insults my brotherns are passing knowing the revolution they are making. My Question is Government should initiate enquiries on THE DEANS, PRINCIPAL, WARDEN and these HIGH CLASS RASCALS/RACISTS of this UCMS worked/studied in the year 1999 and also bring quota immdtly in the management and the teaching community as a future proof measure in this INSTITUTIONS.

1. Now we know your true colour.
2. You are the one speaking for Merit? Dont you feel shame?
3. You are then saying OBC docs should treat ministers.
4. You are the one fighting for EQUALITY!! SHAME AND SHAME!

Hope you have read the great racist culture of UCMS college above. Now we expose the people who fought selfishly without treating patients, even after the requests of Supreme Court & Prime Minister. These crooked YOUTH FOR EQUALITY is an another High Caste racist outfit from the same UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICAL SCIENCE.

The present anti reservationists will get only 10% soon in IITs.

Gems from under a thatched roof
From Abhay Kumar DH News Service Patna:

This is one success story which could be an eye-opener for all those who have been creating a brouhaha for and against the reservation policy.

A brainchild of one of the brightest IPS officers of Bihar, Abhayanand, Additional Director General (ADG), the Super-30 came into existence four years ago.

Meet the members of Super-30. Most of them belong to the poorest strata of society. Yet, this was the moment they eagerly awaited. For, when the results of Joint Entrance Examination trickled in on Wednesday, 28 students out of 30 had cracked the IIT, thereby adding another feather to the faculty’s cap and bringing laurels to Bihar. One of them, Divyanshu Jha, ranked 10th and will be representing India in Physics Olympiad.

For more click here




Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Nice conversation between a dull headed Anti reservationist Medico and Politician !

These fanatic antireservation KIDS are exposed their ignorance on socio, political, economic and historic evolution of India. This is a glimpse to showcase those idiots to the community. They are thinking all politicians are school dropouts etc. These fools (on other subjects soon in their own subjects) should be treated not only intelectually but also with some #####. Idiots dont understand the heat when it is apear as a distant light. Real dull headed selfish parasites of India - chella

This is a conversation between Shri Sitaram Yechuri (CPI) and a medico frm AIIMS on Zee News...

Medico: Sir your is bad for youth
Yechuri: which youth
Medico: Sir all of us who r on strike
Yechuri: Why r u on strike
Medico: Sir We want a non political committee to be set up which can review the effectiveness of the current reservation policy
Yechuri: Why non political…??? The institute in which u r studying was set up after a decision by the political parties and the parliament…its because of them u r studying in such a big institute
Mediko: Sir don’t you want good doctors
Yechuri: Which Doctors…a survey shows that 90% of all the doctors who leave India are frm the upper class…u call them Indians
Mediko: .....silent....but you should think about the youth
Yechuri: which youth...the one who polishes ur shoes is also a youth…the one who beg on the streets is also a youth you call ursely India...why don’t u think about them
Medico: ....silent....
Yechuri: okkk…you say “ I will not leave India, I will serve my country” then I will say “ No reservation”
Medico: ....silent...

It was a real fun watching the medico...he was stammering badly...
in between he tried to give Yechuri some gyan on the Constitution...Yechuri replied...Now u will teach us the constitution...u r now reading it..we are reading it frm years

Thanks: Mr Puspendra for bringing the above in some forum and hence to my knowledge

Monday, May 29, 2006

Arguement: Many seats in SC ST Quota are unfilled

So what.. have you (all those who oppose reservations) done any special coaching classes to fill this seats. ever worried for their basic education? Now you are crying and saying that WE MUST PROVIDE BASIC EDUCATION. You are exposing your own ignorance! We are not fools to buy your prescription anymore.

See, in Tamilnadu where more than 60 % seats are under quota, still people are fighting for OBC seats. Have you contacted any of the institutions like STANELY, CHENNAI MEDICAL COLLEGE, MADURAI MEDICAL COLLEGE, CMC Vellore for any vacancy? Dont show again your stupidity in arguements. We Tamilnadu MBBS docs will fill up all the quotas in PG in AIIMS! You dont worry about that. Your imaginary UNFILLED OBC seats in PG Education will be filled by TN medicos!

Q: Will these ministers get operated by OBC doctors?

This is a silly and racist question. No substances. Atleast in TN there are many good medical institutions, where OBCs are the majority students and they are coming out with flying colours. This arguement is baseless and soon they will say all these OBC engineers are building poor bridges. See who is deviding the country? Our supreme court judges should take this arguements.

If it is their official view.. then all of us should boycot those High Caste Doctors hereafter. We will go to OBC or SC doctor. This type of caste supremacy should end at any cost. All OBC doctors should come out to expose this racism. Pose this objection to your local IMA people and get their view!

Q: Why not Reservation based on economical standards?

So when these people turned propoor? How can they? Have they ever protested for a Petrole price hike or a gas price hike or for basic education quality or noon meal schemes or anything in their life? Now they are worrying about the poor people. We know whose poverty you want to eliminate!!

See the ground situation. India is the country of villages and most people depend upon Agriculture. This year I may get a good mansoon and a good harvest .

Next year, no rain or untimely rain or a pest attack or a low price... and I will face heavy loss ( Irrespective of the farm size.. more farm land = more loss ). So what will happen to my son's Quota Eligibility if it is based on my economic conditions? Will you change it every year, or every mansoon?

I am a very rich man son all these years. Last week share market crashed( say 2000 points) and lost all my money and become a barrower. So i will get my seat this year since at present my finances are in the negative side ? ( Now a days even enrgy majors are going bankrupt aka enron)

This financial basis is not a workable solution at all. We are asking for a simple workable cycle that takes us to a few kilometer than a nonworking FERRARI or MASSERATI which will take you nowhere!

Q: There is no caste system in India. Why we need exactly caste based reservation?

Chella answers:


Case 2: WHEN THE BRAHMINs ARE JOINING THE SCAVENGER JOBS ON THEIR OWN then we can say THERE IS NO CASTE BASED BACKWARDNESS so let us abolish the caste based reservation system!

So these ostriches have burried their head in the sand and saying "There is no caste system in India". Beware of these caste mongers. Just for their education they will say we dont practice casteism. But their matrimonial ads will never says so !